


Bending the rules of functionality

08.09 - 26.10.2024


BORGER Nocturne

Friday 25 October, 6 - 9 pm


Eva Steynen Gallery kindly invites you to Roeland Tweelinckx's first solo exhibition at the gallery, 'Bending the Rules of Functionality'. Within the existing gallery context, Tweelinckx creates a series of interventions and new sculptures.


Tweelinckx plays with the way we perceive reality. Everyday elements in a space are transformed with minimal intervention. Sockets, electricity cables, trestles, walls, pillars, vases or skirting boards are humorously stripped of their functionality and 'bended' into visual poetry, trough a concentrated process of observation. What you see is not always what you see. His work is minimal, refined and enters into a dialogue with the space and viewer. Tweelinckx does not impose what can be seen, he gives freedom to seeing. Looking at the world around us, with a quip.


Small interventions sometimes lead to surreal situations. They bring a relief in the conceptual and a pleasure in viewing. With a subtle irony, Tweelinckx breaks through the conventions of perception – “where is the work?” – and encourages us to think about the daily reality surrounding us. An attentive look at what is and what is not.


Roeland Tweelinckx (°1970 B, lives and works in Kontich) has a Master's degree in visual arts (KASKA) and a Master's Research (Sint-Lucas and University of Antwerp). His work is included in various institutional collections, including the Flemish community (B) and is in a large number of private collections in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Portugal and the United Kingdom.


Image exhibition view

Wall and chair, 2024, wood, paint, existing chair, art newspaper, 293 x 355 x 48 cm

Your judgement is irrelevant, 2024, aluminum, synthetic silk, emulsion, 118 x 93 x 4 cm

In a fit state (detail), 2024, steel, aluminium, spray paint, 223 x 62 x 54 cm


Exhibition views



Online catalogus available here


Interview met Wouter van den Eijkel voor GalleryViewer (october 2024)

Het atelier van... Roeland Tweelinckx

In een samenleving die steeds meer is ingericht op functionaliteit, efficiëntie en regels, raakt nutteloosheid steeds verder uit beeld. Roeland Tweelinckx ziet juist schoonheid in het nutteloze object. In Bending the rules of functionality transformeert hij functionele, alledaagse objecten in niet-functionele objecten om ons aan te zetten tot reflectie. Het levert speelse en humoristische werken op. Een online recensie van Tweelinckx’ werk vat het bondig samen als: ‘Your work makes me laugh and gets me thinking at the same time.’ 


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